Look at all the Luke Lights you sent to Sakala!


Mesi Luke. Cheri Luke. Thank you, Luke. Darling Luke. We love you, Luke.

In the middle of Cité Soleil, one of the poorest most densely populated “slums" in the Western Hemisphere located in Port-au-Prince, lies an oasis for teenagers: Sakala, a Youth Community Center.

SAKALA stands for “Sant Kominote Altènatif Ak Lapè,” which translates from Haitian Creole into English as “The Community Center for Peaceful Alternatives.” Founded by 2019's CNN Hero, Daniel Tillias, Sakala offers hundreds of kids after-school sports, computer labs, vegetable gardens, bee-keeping—but most of all HOPE.

Sakala is so powerful because it is showing people that good can be done in an abandoned area where no one believed it could.  Sakala works with those who were marginalized and underestimated, particularly at-risk youth who now go everywhere and feel empowered to change their neighborhood, their country, and their world. 

Blowing kisses in the air to a boy they've never met, these teens have no idea how MUCH Luke would've loved meeting them, sitting right there in the thick of it. And then challenging them to a fast and furious game of soccer right outside.

Help a girl donate lights in honor of her big brother.

As many of our lives forge ahead into adulthood, one of us is missing.
Someone who would perhaps today be a marine biologist, or a teacher, or a journalist.

But we can help spread the inner light many of us knew Luke V-K for in the form of little solar lamps.

Over 110,000 Luke Lights have been sent to 70 countries where most people live without electricity. To help children learn to read, to help midwives birth babies, to brighten the lives of others the way Luke's smirk brightened ours.

More than a BILLION people in the world have no light after sundown, other than from fire or noxious kerosene lamps. We have such a long way to go.

So if you can't join us for the 7th annual Lukes Light's event on November 2nd, you can still help me reach my goal!

A small $10 donation will give a kid a Luke Light!

A little light. Big dreams. Doing bigger.

2019 Luke's Lights Fundraiser


Unite to Light Ghana


Luke's Lights 2019 Fundraiser