Luke’s Lights 2019 Fundraiser

Saturday, November 2, 2019 at 6 PM – 10 PM

As many of our lives forge ahead into adulthood, one of us is missing.

Someone who would perhaps today be a marine biologist, or a teacher, or a journalist. We will never know. But we can help spread the inner light many of us knew Luke VK for in the form of little solar lamps.

Over 110,000 Luke Lights have been sent to 70 countries where most people live without electricity. To help children learn to read, to help midwives birth babies, to brighten the lives of others the way Luke's smirk brightened ours.

More than a BILLION people in the world have no light after sundown, other than from fire or noxious kerosene lamps. We have such a long way to go. You’ve helped before. We invite you here to celebrate with us and help us again.

This year we are holding our event before Thanksgiving, in the hopes that more of you can come, maybe give lights as holiday gifts.
We now have new cellphone solar charger battery banks too. To help shopkeepers and medical professionals and teachers in far-flung remote villages communicate to do their jobs better. Now a farmer can find out the price of goats in the market. A nurse can charge a portable ultrasound, a teacher can call for help to evacuate a hurt child.

NEWS! Luke Lights have been redesigned to now be waterproof and pass international Lighting Global standards.

Come listen to music, share a community potluck supper at this family-friendly event, celebrate light and life and laughter and love—and Luke.

Saturday November 2 — 6 to 10pm
65 Gray Cliff Road
Newton Centre

Tickets $20
$10 for kids under 13


• for $20 you get to buy a light for you: a bedside reading lamp (perfect for dorm rooms), a camping light, or add to your emergency preparedness kit.
AND someone in need gets a light—a lifeline, a little leg up to a better life.

• for $60 you could buy a solar battery bank: a way to charge your phone when power goes out, or on a boat, or in a tent. It can charge an IPhone 3-4 times! AND someone in need gets a way to communicate, to charge small USB medical equipment.

We are also raising funds to put solar panels on the remote mountain school of Manac, Haiti. So that school can remain open into the evening, parents can take adult-ed classes, teens can do their homework, art and music performances can be celebrated.

Facebook Event: Here

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Help a Girl Donate Lights in Honor of Her Big Brother